Draft 2025 agenda – subject to change
*All times are in EST
Fri 11
Meeting objectives and introduction
David Maloney & Frederick Locke
Welcome to the solid tumors day
Kedar Kirtane & Sarah Nikiforow
Keynote talk 1
How solid CAR-T targeting has evolved: Prasad Adusumilli
Session 1: CARs targeting cell surface proteins (part I)
Chairs: Susanne Baumeister & TBC
- DLL3-CAR-T for SCLC: Adam Schoenfeld
- GCC19 CAR-T therapy for refractory colorectal cancer: Overcoming challenges in expansion and persistence: Benjamin Schlechter
- Updates on logic-gated CAR T-cell therapies in pancreatic cancer: Joel Randolph Hecht
- Talk title TBC (LYL797): Jennifer Specht
Panel discussion
Session 2: CARs targeting cell surface proteins (part II)
Chairs: Joel Randolph Hecht & TBC
- Talk title TBC (BNT211): TBC
- CAR T cells for relapsed/refractory neuroblastoma: Susanne Baumeister
- Talk title TBC (FSHR-targeting CAR T): Monica Avila
Panel discussion
Session 3: T-cell engagers and TCRs
Chairs: Kedar Kirtane & Susanne Baumeister
- Talk title TBC (afamicel): Mihaela Druta
- Immunologic targeting of undruggable TP53 hotspot mutations through T cell receptor gene therapy:
Mike Gormally - Targeting PRAME with TCR T cells first in melanoma then beyond: Jason Luke
- Talk title TBC (Tarlatamab): TBC
Panel discussion
Session 4: TILs across solid tumors
Chairs: Allison Betof Warner & Claire Roddie
- Talk title TBC: Benjamin Creelan
- Talk title TBC: Michael Poch
- Optimizing TIL therapy for melanoma & beyond: Allison Betof Warner
Panel discussion
Session 5: Novel technologies in solid tumors
Chairs: Sarah Nikiforow & Kedar Kirtane
- Talk title TBC (TanCAR-T): Brian Choi
- Genome-edited anti-GPC3 CAR for hepatoma: Marco Davila
- Engineering myeloid cells for solid tumors and fibrosis: CARs and beyond: Michael Klichinsky
- Cell and gene therapy: Current status and future directions – An industry perspective: Will Go
- Advancing T cell therapies for solid cancers: Saul Priceman
Panel discussion
Session 6: T-cell engagers and CARs in CLL
Chairs: David Maloney & Saar Gill
- Optimizing liso-cel in CLL: Sequencing and combination strategies: Mazyar Shadman
- Why bispecific antibodies may be the path forward in CLL: Alexey Danilov
Panel discussion
Session 7: CAR-T in ALL
Chairs: Claire Roddie & Saar Gill
- Talk title TBC (obecabtagene autoleucel): Claire Roddie
- Talk title TBC (brexucabtagene autoleucel): Bijal Shah
- CD19/CD22 CAR-T: Noelle Frey
- SCRI‐CAR19 with CD19 T‐APC to prolong CAR T cell persistence: Rebecca Gardner
- Improving clinical activity of CD5 CART in T-ALL: Maksim Mamonkin
Panel discussion
Day 1 conclusions
Welcome reception
Sat 12
Welcome to Day 2
Sarah Nikiforow & Yi Lin
Keynote talk 2
Frontiers in CAR-T cell therapy for autoimmune diseases: David Porter
Session 8: CAR therapy for autoimmune rheumatic disorders
Chairs: David Porter & TBC
- Talk title TBC (NKX019): David Shook
- Talk title TBC (BMS-986353): Lazaros Lekakis
- Talk title TBC (KYV-101 – dermatomyositis): Everett Meyer
Panel discussion
Session 9: CAR therapy for neurological autoimmune diseases
Chairs: David Porter & Everett Meyer
- Talk title TBC: Saurabh Sahiya
- Antigen-specific treatment of myasthenia: Development of rat chimeric autoantibody receptor (CAAR) T cells to treat experimental autoimmune MuSK myasthenia: David Richman
- State of the art with CAR therapy in MG: Ali Habib
Panel discussion
Session 10: How do we integrate autoimmune diseases into cell therapy centres?
Chairs: David Maloney & Sarah Nikiforow
Discussants: Frederick Locke, Everett Meyer, David Porter, Claire Roddie
Session 11: Translational studies with T-cell engagers and CARs
Chairs: Yi Lin & TBC
- Genomic determinants of resistance to anti BCMA and GPRC5D therapies: Francesco Maura
- Metabolic fitness in CAR-T cells from earlier in the treatment course: Ciara Freeman
Panel discussion
Keynote talk 3
Accelerating CAR T-cell therapeutics with small molecules: Michael Hudecek
Session 12: T-cell engagers for multiple myeloma
Chairs: Saad Usmani & TBC
- Talk title TBC (cevostamab): Rakesh Popat
- Talk title TBC (teclistamab): Tom Martin
- Talk title TBC (talquetamab): TBC
- Talk title TBC (JNJ-79635322): Sham Mailankody
Panel discussion
Session 13: CAR therapy for multiple myeloma
Chairs: Adam Sperling & TBC
- CAR-T cells in multiple myeloma: The evolving use of cilta-cel and ide-cel: Adam Sperling
- Phase I / II summary of anito-cel for relapsed/refractory MM: Matthew Frigault
- Talk title TBC (BMS-986393): Susan Bal
- BCMA CAR-T clash of the Titans: Idecabtagene vicleucel and ciltacabtagene autoleucel for relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma: Doris Hansen
Panel discussion
Session 14: CAR therapy should come before T-cell engagers in multiple myeloma treatment sequencing
Chairs: Yi Lin & Doris Hansen
- For: Krina Patel
- Against: Sham Mailankody
Panel discussion
Session 15: Different approaches to CAR production in lymphoma
Chairs: David Maloney & Caron Jacobson
- Talk title TBC (VivoVec platform): TBC
- Point-of-care manufacturing with Canadian-made CD19 CART, CLIC-1901: Natasha Kekre
- Talk title TBC (GLPG5101): TBC
- Interim result multicenter Phase II trial of zamtocabtagene autoleucel, an non-cryopreserved
anti-CD20/anti-CD19 CAR T cell product for relapsed, refractory DLBCL: Nirav Shah
Panel discussion
Day 2 conclusions
Faculty Dinner
Sun 13
Welcome to Day 3
Caron Jacobson & Frederick Locke
Session 16: Long-term follow-up and outcomes with CARs
Chairs: David Miklos & TBC
- Risk stratification and secondary malignancies: Kai Rajeski
- Long-term complications after CAR T-cell therapy: Michael Jain
- Catch me if you can: Lymphoma resistance to CAR T immunotherapy: Marco Ruella
- Enhancing CAR T-cell activity and persistence with CAR-enhancer therapeutics: Mohamad Rashidian
Panel discussion
Session 17: T-cell engagers and CARs in myeloid malignancies
Chairs: David Sallman & Marion Subklewe
- Back to the bench: Rethinking CAR T for AML: Marion Subklewe
- Allogeneic, off-the-shelf, CAR T cells for AML: CB-012: Jae Park
- Treatment of JMML and CMML with CLL-1 CAR-T cells +/- trametinib: Elliot Stieglitz
- Talk title TBC (CALR bispecific): Andrew Kuykendall
Panel discussion
Session 18: What are the current challenges with CAR T in lymphoma and how can we address them?
Chairs: Caron Jacobson & David Miklos
- Barriers: Why is CAR T-cell therapy not reaching its potential in heme malignancies?: Jason Westin
- Sequencing novel treatment options in lymphoma: Gloria Iacoboni
- Talk title TBC (perspective 3): Frederick Locke
Panel discussion
Session 19: T-cell engagers and CARs in lymphomas
Chairs: Tycel Phillips & TBC
- Update on CB-010/allogeneic anti-CD19 CAR-T cell therapy: Mehdi Hamadani
- Bispecifics in lymphoma: Moving beyond CD20 targeting: Krish Patel
- Frontline & second-line DLBCL treatments – where are we in 2025?: Matt Lunning
- Fixed-duration treatment with epcoritamab: Alexey Danilov
- Mosunetuzumab + polatuzumab vedotin: Jennifer Crombie
Panel discussion
Keynote talk 4
Moving bispecifics and CAR T-cell therapies into the community setting: Tara Graff
Session 20: How to get CAR T-cell therapy into the community setting?
Chairs: Elizabeth Budde & TBC
Discussants: Tara Graff, John Kuruvilla, TBC
Meeting conclusions